business Customers

Basically, everything belongs to the range of services which has to do with vehicles of all kinds. This is by no means just a classic automobile accident. Rather, we see ourselves in the duty to create a range of services far beyond the box, which just does not just say "you have an accident, come to us".

So we are in contact with many renowned partners from politics and business to discuss and close the possibilities of expanded business fields. The latest technologies are decisive as well as market niches, e.g. in shipping and air traffic.

What is meant by special reports?

In Germany, there is the so-called monopoly commission on the political level, which arranges itself with various expert opinions regarding national economic cycles in various sectors.

This is expressly not meant here with special appraisals.Rather, it should go here in terms of content and technical very sophisticated reports that specialize in the subject of "rail transport".

There are many possibilities for this purpose, which are specifically geared to the needs of rail transport:There are many possibilities for this purpose, which are specifically geared to the needs of rail transport:

But first, the following is to explain, because rail vehicles are not counted among the motor vehicles, despite the motor drive.
Corresponding definitions can be found in the traffic laws, as in the German Road Traffic Act. (§ 1 Abs. 2 StVG)

There are many possibilities for this purpose, which are specifically geared to the needs of rail transport: For example, there are so-called management solutions in railway traffic, which plans and controls the maintenance of track networks.

This is then displayed via visualization of the rail network and all infrastructure objects. With regard to an opinion for such vehicles, the evaluations of such systems as interface can be of crucial importance, especially when it comes to the capture of vehicle data or even the vehicle history. In this case, data of the vehicle speed, the wheel peripheral speed and the diameter u.v. carry. Of course, this also includes the respective weather conditions, since a frozen or wet rail has a different material property than a dry one.

Of course, this also affects the braking behavior and the braking distance. With regard to an opinion for such vehicles, the evaluations of such systems as interface can be of crucial importance, especially when it comes to the capture of the vehicle data or even the vehicle history.

In this case, data of the driving speed, wheel circumference speed and diameter u.v.a. to carry. 

Of course this also includes the respective weather conditions because a frozen or wet rail has a different material property than a dry one.

Of course, this also affects the braking behavior and a stopping distance. But why is not the vehicle train treated exactly like the "motor vehicle"?